The table below is the list of the error codes recorded in the GridDB event log.

See “GridDB Features Reference” about the event log function.

Error code Error code Error type Description of the circumstances under which the problem occurred Explanation of possible causes Countermeasures
1001 CM_NO_MEMORY ERROR   Securing of memory may have failed. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
1005 CM_IO_ERROR ERROR   Data file I/O error may have occurred. Check whether the data folder specified in the config file exists.
1007 CM_NOT_SUPPORTED ERROR   Operation may not be supported. Check whether the specified index type can be set for the specified column.
1008 CM_LIMITS_EXCEEDED ERROR   Limit value may have been exceeded. Either the number or size below has reached the upper limit.
・Number of connected clients
・Number of connected nodes
・Number of replicas
・Number of containers
・URL size of trigger notification destination
・Number of registered triggers
Based on the message, reduce the number of connected clients, number of connected nodes, etc.
1012 CM_TIMEOUT ERROR Transaction timeout occurred.   Set a longer “transaction timeout” time.
1017 CM_FILE_NOT_FOUND ERROR   Data file may not exist. Check whether the data file exists.
1042 CM_PLATFORM_ERROR ERROR OS system call failed.   Check the value of errno in the error message.
1043 CM_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED     Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
1044 CM_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED     Limit value may have been exceeded. Check the error message output section for the values of the items that are output besides this error code.
1045 CM_CANCELED ERROR SQL execution was canceled.    
1046 CM_COMPRESSION_FAILED ERROR Data file or log file compression failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
1047 CM_UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED ERROR Data file or log file decompression failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
1048 CM_INCOMPATIBLE_ZLIB_VERSION ERROR Data file or log file operation failed. The library version may be wrong. Check if the library version is the same as the version described in the manual.
1049 CM_INVALID_SPLIT_COUNT ERROR Data file operation failed. The data file may be inconsistent. The number of file splitting recorded in the data file and the database settings are different. Check the file or the settings.
1050 CM_INVALID_SPLIT_STRIPE_SIZE ERROR Data file operation failed. The data file may be inconsistent. The file splitting stripe size recorded in the data file and the database settings are different. Check the file or the settings.
1900 CM_LONG_IO WARNING   Processing of the log file or data file may be taking longer than usual.  
1903 CM_LONG_EVENT WARNING   Processing of the transaction may be taking longer than usual. Data registration and update may converge and the data may be output if the load gets high for a moment.
Check with support if data is output continuously for an extended period of time.
1904 CM_COMPRESSION_FAILED WARNING Data file or log file compression was canceled. A library error may have occurred. This indicates that compression was canceled and data were stored without compression by an error occurredin the compression-decompression library in compressing data blocks or log records.
1906 CM_PARTIAL_IO WARNING   An I/O error of the log file or the data file may occur. Data registration and update may converge and the data may be output if the load gets high for a moment. Automatic recovery is performed, so if there aren’t any other errors, any operations aren’t needed.
10005 TXN_AUTH_FAILED ERROR Execution of client request failed. User name or password may be wrong. Check if the user name and password are correct.
10006 TXN_AUTH_REQUIRED ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client may already have been disconnected. Set a longer client “transaction timeout” time.
Example) When the “transaction timeout” time is set to 60 seconds
Properties prop;
prop.setProperty(“transactionTimeout”, “60”);
GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getGridStore(prop);
10008 TXN_CLUSTER_ROLE_UNMATCH ERROR Execution of client request failed. Cluster may not have been configured. Execute a gs_joincluster command and execute it again with the cluster in a constituted state.
10009 TXN_PARTITION_ROLE_UNMATCH ERROR Execution of client request failed. Cluster may be in the process of being re-configured. Run the app again. If a value other than 0 is specified in the failover timeout time, the client will automatically run the app again.
10010 TXN_PARTITION_STATE_UNMATCH ERROR Execution of client request failed. Cluster may be in the process of being re-configured. Run the app again. If a value other than 0 is specified in the failover timeout time, the client will automatically run the app again.
10012 TXN_STATEMENT_TYPE_NOT_EXECUTABLE ERROR Execution of client request failed. Parameter setting may be wrong. Check whether a row lock has been specified in an operation for which a row lock cannot be requested. And check whether the query option that can use for the requested query has been specified.
10013 TXN_STATEMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
10016 TXN_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND ERROR Execution of client request failed. Container may not exist. Check whether any target containers have been deleted during client processing.
10017 TXN_CONTAINER_SCHEMA_UNMATCH ERROR Execution of client request failed. Container may have been changed. Check whether any target containers have been changed during client processing.
10025 TXN_REPLICATION_LOG_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Execution of replication failed. Version of log data may be wrong. Check whether multiple versions of nodes are mixed in the same network.
10026 TXN_REPLICATION_LOG_LSN_INVALID ERROR Execution of replication failed. A failure may have occurred in the cluster. No response required as the cluster control section will automatically detect the replication failure and perform recovery processing.
10028 TXN_REPLICATION_LOG_APPLY_FAILED ERROR Execution of replication failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system. Check with support if there is sufficient memory.
10033 TXN_CONSISTENCY_TYPE_UNMATCH ERROR Execution of client request failed. Consistency level may be wrong. Specify ‘IMMEDIATE’ as the value of the property ‘consistency’.
10038 TXN_DECODE_FAILED ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
10039 TXN_ENCODE_FAILED ERROR Execution of client request failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
10040 TXN_EVENT_NOTIFY_URL_METHOD_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong. Check whether the URL follows the format of the API manual.
10041 TXN_EVENT_NOTIFY_URL_HOST_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong. Check whether the URL follows the format of the API manual.
10053 TXN_CLUSTER_NAME_INVALID ERROR Execution of client request failed. Cluster name may be wrong. Check whether the cluster name specified by the client matches the cluster name that can be acquired by gs-stat.
10054 TXN_CLIENT_VERSION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
10055 TXN_STATEMENT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
10057 TXN_PARTITION_STATE_INVALID ERROR Execution of client request failed. Cluster may be in the process of being re-configured. Check whether multiple versions of nodes are mixed in the same network.
10067 TXN_OPTION_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
10068 TXN_RESULT_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Execution of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
10075 TXN_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_NOT_READY ERROR Connection failed. User authentication service may be under preparation. Wait for a while before executing the command again.
10077 TXN_USER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. User name may have been duplicated. Check the user name.
10079 TXN_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. Operation may not have been permitted. Check whether the logged-in user is an administrator.
10080 TXN_USER_NAME_INVALID ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. User name may be non-conforming. Check the user name.
10081 TXN_DATABASE_NAME_INVALID ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. DB name may be non-conforming. Check the DB name.
10082 TXN_USER_LIMIT_OVER ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. Number of users may have exceeded the limit value. Check whether an unnecessary user can be deleted.
10083 TXN_DATABASE_LIMIT_OVER ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. Number of DB may have exceeded the limit value. Check whether an unnecessary DB can be deleted.
10084 TXN_CURRENT_USER_REMOVED ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. Current user may have been deleted during login. Check whether the administrator has deleted the general user.
10085 TXN_CURRENT_DATABASE_REMOVED ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. Current DB may have been deleted during login. Check whether the administrator has deleted the DB.
10086 TXN_USER_NOT_EXIST ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. User may not exist. Check the user name.
10087 TXN_DATABASE_NOT_EXIST ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. DB may not exist. Check the DB name.
10088 TXN_USER_OR_DATABASE_NOT_EXIST ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. User or DB may not exist. Check the user name and DB name.
10090 TXN_OTHER_PRIVILEGE_EXISTS ERROR User/DB administration operation failed. Authority may have been duplicated. Check the user name and DB name.
10092 TXN_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT ERROR Connection failed. User authentication timeout may have occurred. Wait for a while before executing the command again.
10093 TXN_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE_UNMATCH ERROR Container operation failed. Operation rights may be insufficient. Check whether the operation is granted for the container or table.
10094 TXN_CONTAINER_PROPERTY_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of container failed. Schema may be inconsistent. Check with support.
10095 TXN_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS ERROR Creation of index failed. Index may have been duplicated. Check whether the same name index exists.
10096 TXN_INDEX_NOT_FOUND ERROR Deletion of index failed. Index may not exist. Check whether the specified name index exists.
10097 TXN_REPLICATION_LOG_VERSION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ERROR Execution of replication failed. Node version may be wrong. Check the version of each server.
10099 TXN_DATABASE_UNMATCH ERROR Connection failed. DB may have been changed. Check whether the administrator have deleted and recreated the DB.
Execution of client request failed.
The permission may have been granted. Check the user name, DB name and the permission.
Authentication with the LDAP server has failed.
The user name or password may be incorrect. Check the user name and password.
Connection to the LDAP server has failed.
The LDAP server settings may be incorrect. Check the settings pertaining to the LDAP server and the status of the server.
Authentication with the LDAP server has failed.
The failure may have been caused by an incorrect operation. Check the LDAP settings on the server and the specification of the authentication method.
Authentication with the LDAP server has failed.
User authentication may have been timed out. Wait some time and retry the command.
10900 TXN_REPLY_CLIENT ERROR Response to client request executed.   Server event log data message.
10901 TXN_SEND_LOG ERROR Processing of replication message executed.   Server event log data message.
10902 TXN_SEND_ACK ERROR Processing of replication message executed.   Server event log data message.
10903 TXN_RECEIVE_LOG ERROR Processing of replication event executed.   Server event log data message.
10904 TXN_RECEIVE_ACK ERROR Processing of replication event executed.   Server event log data message.
10905 TXN_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_END ERROR Processing of transaction event continued to be in standby status. Other transactions may be under execution. Multiple clients are executing transactions in the same container at the same time. Transactions on standby will be executed when the earlier transactions end.
10906 TXN_REQUEST_IGNORED ERROR Unknown event detected by service. Cluster version may be wrong. Check the version of each server.
10908 TXN_REPLICATION_TIMEOUT WARNING Replication timeout detected.   Check the replication timeout time setting.
10909 TXN_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT WARNING Transaction timeout detected.   Check the transaction timeout time setting.
10910 TXN_SESSION_TIMEOUT WARNING Transaction timeout detected.   Check the transaction timeout time setting.
10912 TXN_CLUSTER_VERSION_UNMATCHED WARNING Unknown event detected by service. Cluster version may be wrong. Check the version of each server.
10913 TXN_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT WARNING Authentication timeout detected.   Check the authentication timeout time setting.
10914 TXN_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT WARNING Timeout of background processing occurs.   Check whether other error events have occurred. Check with support if it occurs repeatedly.
20000 SYNC_SERVICE_START_FAILED ERROR Startup of service failed. Memory may be insufficient. Thread may fail to start due to insufficient memory. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
20002 SYNC_SERVICE_ENCODE_MESSAGE_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
20003 SYNC_SERVICE_DECODE_MESSAGE_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Cluster versions may be mismatched. When an error occurs due to a discrepancy error in the version, check and take the appropriate measure as the version of the message for the cluster of the node and the receiving partner node will be recorded in the event log.
20012 SYNC_PARTITION_CREATE_FAILED ERROR Startup of service failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
20021 SYNC_LOG_NOT_FOUND ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. The log file or data file required for cluster synchronization may have been deleted by a checkpoint execution. No countermeasure is required as the cluster will automatically detect this and continue retrying, but in this case, since the time to create the replica node will become longer, if this error event is output frequently, either set the checkpoint time longer or increase the count in /dataStore/retainedFileCount of the configuration. Check with support if the message continues to be recorded in the trace even after this countermeasure is implemented.
20023 SYNC_CHUNK_GET_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. The log file or data file required for cluster synchronization may have been deleted by a checkpoint execution. No countermeasure is required as the cluster will automatically detect this and continue retrying, but in this case, since the time to create the replica node will become longer, if this error event is output frequently, set the checkpoint time longer. Check with support if the message continues to be recorded in the trace even after this countermeasure is implemented.
20032 SYNC_NO_CHUNK_GET_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Checkpoint may not have been executed before. No countermeasure is required as the cluster will automatically detect this and continue retrying but in this case, the time to create the replica node will become longer. If this event log is recorded, the data synchronization time may be brought forward by executing a forced checkpoint command against this node at this timing. Check the event log to see whether the checkpoint has been executed at least once.
20034 SYNC_CONTEXT_ALREADY_REMOVED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new data synchronization process may have been executed during data synchronization. This indicates that the data synchronization process was cancelled midway but no countermeasure is required as this is not an error.
20036 SYNC_SERVICE_UNKNOWN_EVENT_TYPE ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. Check the cluster version of each server.
20037 SYNC_CREATE_CONTEXT_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
20039 SYNC_OWNER_BACKUP_INVALID_RELATION WARNING Data synchronization of cluster failed.   This state may occur in a cluster but it is temporary and the cluster will continue normal operation. Check with support if it occurs repeatedly.
20040 SYNC_INVALID_CONTEXT WARNING Data synchronization of cluster failed.   This state may occur in a cluster but it is temporary and the cluster will continue normal operation. Check with support if it occurs repeatedly.
20041 SYNC_OWNER_MAX_LSN_CONSTRAINT ERROR Partition operation failed. A failure may have occurred during data synchronization. Access to certain partitions may be denied in order to protect data consistency when a node failure occurs.Rejoin the failed node to the cluster. If the error occurs repeatedly, restart the cluster.Check with support if the situation does not improve after this countermeasure.
20042 SYNC_OWNER_BACKUP_INVALID_LSN_CONSTRAINT ERROR Partition operation failed. Data synchronization may have failed. Access to certain partitions may be denied in order to protect data consistency when a node failure occurs.
Rejoin the failed node to the cluster. If the error occurs repeatedly, restart the cluster. Check with support if the situation does not improve after this countermeasure.
20043 SYNC_CHECK_LSN ERROR Partition operation failed. Data synchronization may have failed. This error may occur in a cluster when the master resynchronizes the data after detecting delay in the information transfer from the follower. The cluster will continue normal operation. Check with support if it occurs repeatedly.
20900 SYNC_HANDLER ERROR Processing of cluster event executed.   Server event log data message.
20901 SYNC_HANDLER_DETAIL ERROR Processing of cluster event executed.   Server event log data message.
20902 SYNC_OPERATION ERROR Cluster status check executed.   Server event log data message.
20903 SYNC_NORMAL ERROR Update of cluster status detected.   Server event log data message.
20904 SYNC_EVENT_SEND ERROR Processing of cluster message executed.   Server event log data message.
30001 CP_WRITE_HANDLER_FAILED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data file storage location. Check whether there is empty space in the database file storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred.
30004 CP_CHECKPOINT_FILE_READ_FAILED ERROR Execution of backup or cluster data synchronization failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the database file storage location. For all other cases, check with support as an internal error may have occurred.
30007 CP_LOG_FILE_WRITE_FAILED ERROR Writing to log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the transaction log file storage location.
30014 CP_CONTROLLER_ILLEAGAL_STATE ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. An error may have occurred in another process. Refer to the other traces and check whether a shutdown has been requested, or whether a system error has occurred.
30022 CP_BACKUP_FAILED ERROR Backup execution failed. Backup name may be wrong. Respond according to the trace error message.
・”BackupName is empty”: Specify a backup name other than blank.
・”Backup name is already used”: A directory with the same name as the specified backup name exists. Specify another backup name.
・”Failed to create backup top dir”: Directory cannot be created for the parameter “backupPath”. Check whether the path name is correct and writable.
・”Failed to create backup dir”: Directory with the specified backup name cannot be created. Check whether the path name is valid and writable.
・Others: Internal error. Check with support.
30024 CP_GROUP_CHECKPOINT_FAILED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check as detailed data may have appeared in another trace. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether there is any empty space in the database file/log file/backup storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred.
30028 CP_WRITE_CHECKPOINT_START_LOG_FAILED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether there is any empty space in the transaction log storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred. In addition, memory allocation may fail and this error may appear when there is a very high number of transactions at the checkpoint start point.
30031 CP_WRITE_CHUNK_META_DATA_LOG_FAILED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether there is any empty space in the transaction log storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred.
30032 CP_WRITE_LSN_INFO_FILE_FAILED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether there is any empty space in the transaction log/backup storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred.
30900 CP_CONTROLLER_ILLEAGAL_STATE ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution cancelled. Shutdown may have been executed already. After a shutdown is requested, a backup or checkpoint cannot be executed.
30901 CP_BACKUP_FAILED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution failed. Value specified in backup storage destination may be wrong. Check whether the specified backup storage destination is correct.
30902 CP_STATUS ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution started.   Server event log data message.
30903 CP_CHECKPOINT_CANCELLED ERROR Backup or checkpoint execution cancelled. Shutdown may have been executed already. After a shutdown is requested, a backup or checkpoint cannot be executed.
30904 CP_PARAMETER_INFO ERROR Checkpoint parameter changed.   Event log data message indicating that a change in the checkpoint-related parameter has been carried out from the WebAPI.
30906 CP_FLUSH_LOG ERROR Writing to log file executed.   Event log data message indicating that data has been written to a log file in accordance with the set parameter.
30910 CP_PREPARE_LONG_ARCHIVE_FAILED ERROR Executing long term archive failed. Parameter may be wrong. Check whether the WebAPI parameter is correct. Also check whether you have permission to create the specified directory.
40006 CS_SERVICE_REQUEST_GOSSIP_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster event failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
40009 CS_SERVICE_ENCODE_MESSAGE_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
40010 CS_SERVICE_DECODE_MESSAGE_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. When an error occurs due to a discrepancy error in the version, check and take the appropriate measure as the version of the message for the cluster of the node and the receiving partner node will be recorded in the event log.
40028 CS_ENCODE_DECODE_VERSION_CHECK ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. Check and take the appropriate measure as the version of the message for the cluster of the node and the receiving partner node will be recorded in the event log.
40031 CS_REQUEST_EVENT_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster event failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
40033 CS_SERVICE_UNKNOWN_EVENT_TYPE ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. When an error is caused by a discrepancy error in the version, check and take the appropriate measure as the version of the message for the cluster of the node and the receiving partner node will be recorded in the event log.
40035 CS_SERVICE_ENCODE_MESSAGE_PACK_FAILED ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Memory may be insufficient. Insufficient memory may be one possible reason. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
40044 CS_CLUSTER_VERSION_UNMATCHED ERROR Processing of cluster message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. Check the version of each server. This event will be recorded in particular when a message is received from a cluster that is of version 1.5 or earlier.
40047 CS_CONFIG_ERROR ERROR Startup of cluster failed. Definition file setting value may be wrong. There is an error in the configuration file. Check the event log concerned to see if the description of the configuration file is correct.
40048 CS_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT ERROR Cluster configuration change failed. JSON response from the address provider may have failed. As the change in the cluster configuration could not be confirmed with the provider, the configuration data may not have been updated to the new data. In this case, the cluster configuration will be maintained in the configuration data before the failure but check whether a provider response has been provided or not.
40049 CS_ENTRY_ADDRESS_FAILED ERROR Cluster configuration change failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Cluster configuration was not changed as there is a contradiction in the cluster configuration data returned from the provider. Check whether there are any mistakes in the list of cluster configuration addresses returned by the provider.
40051 CS_MAX_PARTITION_REIVISION ERROR Cluster configuration change failed.    
40052 CS_PARTITION_OWNER_NOT_ASSGIN WARNING Cluster configuration change failed. A failure may have occurred in the cluster. The owner partition can not be determined due to the failure in the node with the latest information. Restore the failed node or execute the recovery command.
40900 CS_CLUSTER_STATUS ERROR Acquisition of cluster configuration data successful.   Event log data message indicating that cluster configuration data is obtained from the WebAPI.
40901 CS_UPDATE_START_LSN ERROR Status check of log file executed.   Event log data message indicating that a check of the log file status has been conducted together with the checkpoint execution.
40902 CS_HANDLER ERROR Processing of cluster event executed.   Event log data message related to cluster processing.
40903 CS_HANDLER_DETAIL ERROR Processing of cluster event executed.   Event log data message related to cluster processing.
40904 CS_OPERATION ERROR Cluster status check executed.   Event log data message related to cluster processing.
40905 CS_NORMAL ERROR Update of cluster status detected.   Event log data message related to cluster processing.
40906 CS_NORMAL_OPERATION ERROR Update of cluster status detected.   Event log data message related to cluster processing.
40907 CS_EVENT_SEND ERROR Processing of cluster message executed.   Event log data message related to cluster processing.
50009 SC_DECREASE_CLUSTER_PRECHECK_FAILED ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. A node which can leave a cluster without data being lost may not exist. Execute a get partition command toward the master node in the cluster and check that the number of replicas is 1 or more for all partitions. If you want to permit the data lost and perform an immediate cluster degradation, determine directly the nodes in the cluster to be detached, and specify the gs_leavecluster command forced option to execute the detachment. In this case, client service will be stopped for the partition which lost data.
50019 SC_LEAVE_NOT_SAFETY_NODE ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. Data may be lost due to a node leaving the cluster. If you want to permit the data lost and perform an immediate cluster degradation, determine directly the nodes in the cluster to be detached, and specify the gs_leavecluster command forced option to execute the detachment. In this case, client service will be stopped for the partition which lost data.
50020 SC_ARCHIVE_LOG_FAILED ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50021 SC_TOO_LARGE_REQUEST ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. Limit value of Web request size may have been exceeded. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50022 SC_GOAL_DUPLICATE_PARTITION ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameter may be wrong. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50023 SC_GOAL_NOT_OWNER ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameter may be wrong. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50024 SC_GOAL_RESOLVE_NODE_FAILED ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameter may be wrong. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50025 SC_GOAL_NOT_CLUSTERED_NODE ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameter may be wrong. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50026 SC_GOAL_INVALID_FORMAT ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameter may be wrong. Check the relevant event log and take the appropriate measure according to the error message indicated.
50900 SC_EVENT_LOG_STARTED ERROR Generation of event log file successful.   Event log data message indicating that a new event log file has been created.
50901 SC_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_DETECTED ERROR Error detected in node status. Node might not have been shut down normally. Event log data message indicating that the last shutdown was not carried out normally.
50902 SC_SERVICE_STARTED INFO Startup of service successful.   Event log data message indicating that a server has been started.
50903 SC_WEB_API_CALLED INFO WebAPI executed.   Event log data message indicating that a WebAPI has been executed.
50904 SC_WEB_API_FAILED ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameters may be wrong. Check the WebAPI parameter is correct.
50905 SC_BAD_REQUEST WARNING Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameters may be wrong. Check the WebAPI parameter is correct.
50906 SC_BAD_STATUS INFO Execution of WebAPI failed. Node may not be a master node. Check whether the node requested for the execution of the WebAPI is a master node.
50907 SC_CONFIG_UPDATED INFO Parameters changed.   Event log data message indicating that a change in the parameter has been carried out from the WebAPI.
50908 SC_EVENT_LOG_UPDATED INFO Event log output level changed.   Event log data message indicating that a change in the event log output level has been carried out from the WebAPI.
50909 SC_ARCHIVE_LOG_MODE_ENABLED INFO Log archive mode set.   Event log data message indicating that the log archive mode has been changed from the WebAPI.
50910 SC_ARCHIVE_LOG_START INFO Log archive mode started.   Event log data message indicating that the log archive mode has been changed from the WebAPI.
50911 SC_ARCHIVE_LOG_END INFO Log archive mode terminated.   Event log data message indicating that the log archive mode has been changed from the WebAPI.
50912 SC_TRACE_STATS INFO Acquisition of node statistical data successful.   Event log data message showing the node statistical data.
50913 SC_FORCE_SHUTDOWN WARNING A forced shutdown of node was executed. Node may be ABNORMAL status. This is an event log message to show the followings. When a normal shutdown was requested, the node was ABNORMAL status so that a forced shutdown was executed.
60015 DS_DS_SCHEMA_INVALID ERROR Schema check failed. Schema settings may be wrong. Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60016 DS_DS_CHANGE_SCHEMA_DISABLE ERROR Schema change failed. Valid flag of schema revision specified in the container registration or update operation may be wrong. When changing the schema:
Set the input modifiable to true.
If a schema change has not been attempted:
Check whether the schema used in the operation is correct.
Check whether the versions of the server and client are the same.
60017 DS_DS_CHANGE_COLLECTION_SCHEMA_FAILED ERROR Schema change failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60018 DS_DS_CREATE_COLLECTION_FAILED ERROR Generation of container failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60019 DS_DS_DROP_COLLECTION_FAILED ERROR Deletion of container failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60020 DS_DS_GET_COLLECTION_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of container failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60024 DS_DS_CHANGE_TIME_SERIES_SCHEMA_FAILED ERROR Schema change failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60025 DS_DS_CONTAINER_NAME_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of container failed. Container name may be wrong. Check the specified container name. Constraint may be violated.
60026 DS_DS_CONTAINER_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of container failed. Container type may be wrong. Check the specified container type.
60027 DS_DS_PARAMETER_INVALID ERROR Startup of service failed. Definition file setting value may be wrong. Check the contents of the definition file.
60042 DS_COL_INDEXINFO_INVALID ERROR TQL execution failed. Index may be inconsistent. When executing a TQL, deletion of index was detected. Reexecute the query.
60043 DS_COL_CREATE_INDEX_FAILED ERROR Registration of index failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60044 DS_COL_DROP_INDEX_FAILED ERROR Deletion of index failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60045 DS_COL_GET_COLINFO_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of schema failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60047 DS_COL_PUT_ROW_FAILED ERROR Registration of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60048 DS_COL_PUT_ROWLIST_FAILED ERROR Registration of row set failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60049 DS_COL_ROWKEY_INVALID ERROR Row key check failed. Row key setting in row registration, update, deletion, and search operation may be wrong. When deleting a row with a string-type row key: String size of the input row key exceeds the upper limit. Check the input.
When deleting a row with a time-type row key: Input row key time is out of range. Check the input.
For row update: Value of row key differs between the row data of the source and the row data of the input. Check with support.
For MultiGet: Data type of the row key specified in the argument differs from the data type of the row key of the actual container. Check the input.
60050 DS_COL_ROWKEY_UNDEFINED ERROR Row key check failed. Row key setting in row registration, update, deletion, and search operation may not be set. Row key has not been defined in the specified container. Check the schema definition.
60052 DS_COL_DELETE_ROW_FAILED ERROR Deletion of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60053 DS_COL_UPDATE_ROW_FAILED ERROR Update of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60054 DS_COL_LOCK_CONFLICT ERROR Row lock failed. Competing row locks may have occurred. Check the update operation. Wait for a while before performing the update operation.
60055 DS_COL_NOLOCK ERROR Row status check failed. A row lock may not have been executed. Set the fetch() method’s input forUpdate to true and perform an update operation after executing a search.
60056 DS_COL_COMMIT_FAILED ERROR Commit transaction failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60057 DS_COL_ABORT_FAILED ERROR Abort transaction failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60061 DS_TIM_CREATE_INDEX_FAILED ERROR Registration of index failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60062 DS_TIM_DROP_INDEX_FAILED ERROR Deletion of index failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60064 DS_TIM_LOCK_CONFLICT ERROR Row lock failed. Competing row locks may have occurred. Check the update operation. Wait for a while before performing the update operation.
60065 DS_TIM_APPEND_ROW_FAILED ERROR Registration of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60068 DS_TIM_DELETE_ROW_FAILED ERROR Deletion of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60069 DS_TIM_COMMIT_FAILED ERROR Commit transaction failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60070 DS_TIM_ABORT_FAILED ERROR Abort transaction failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60074 DS_TIM_SAMPLING_TIME_UNIT_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Unit of the time interval specified in the sampling operation may not be supported. Specify the sampling requirement time in a unit that is not year or month.
60075 DS_TIM_INTERPOLATED_COLUMN_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Data type of the column applying the interpolation specified in the sampling operation may not be supported. Check the column name to correct.
60076 DS_TIM_INTERPOLATED_COLUMN_IDLIST_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Interpolation method setting specified in the sampling operation may be wrong. When using a sampling without correction:
Do not specify anything in the column name list (columnSet) subject to correction.
When using a sampling with correction:
Check the value of the correction method (mode). Specify LINEAR_OR_PREVIOUS.
60079 DS_TIM_ROW_DATA_INVALID ERROR Registration of row failed. Value of column in row specified for row registration, update or delete operation may have exceeded the limit value. Check whether the schema used in the operation is correct.
Check whether the versions of the server and client are the same.
Check whether the number and size below have exceeded the upper limit or range.
・Number of array elements
・Size of string, spatial, or BLOB data
・Time value
60081 DS_TIM_CREATEINDEX_ON_ROWKEY ERROR Registration of index failed. Column name specified in the index registration, deletion operation may be wrong. Index cannot be set for the row key of a time series. Check the column name specified in the index setting.
60084 DS_TIM_INVALID_SCHEMA_OPTION ERROR Schema change failed. Container option specified in the container registration, update operation may be wrong. Check the configuration data related to the deadline release and compression used in the operation.
Check whether the versions of the server and client are the same.
60086 DS_TIM_UPDATE_INVALID ERROR Row operation failed. Row registration, update and deletion may not be supported as operations in a time series container set to be compressed. Check the time of the operation and data.
60098 DS_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Container operation failed. Data type of the column applying the interpolation specified in the sampling operation may not be supported. Check the data type of the column specified as a interpolation target when an error occurs in the TQL sampling search. Check with support for all other inquiries.
60099 DS_KEY_RANGE_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Value of search key specified in the search operation may have exceeded the limit value. ・Check the start time and end time. Specify the value.
・Check whether the time of the data has exceeded the range.
60100 DS_AGGREGATED_COLUMN_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Consolidated processing of time series container failed. Column settings may be wrong. Check the specified column name and its data type.
60101 DS_FILTERING_CONDITION_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Search condition settings may be wrong. Remove the filter conditions specified.
60102 DS_COLUMN_ID_INVALID ERROR Container operation failed. Column name specified in container operation may be wrong.  
60109 DS_DS_GET_CONTAINER_LIST_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of container list failed. The value specifed in container list acquisition operation may be wrong. Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60121 DS_COL_GET_INDEX_INFO_LIST_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of index failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60132 DS_DS_RESULT_ID_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of row failed. Timeout may have occurred. Set a longer client “transaction timeout” time.
Example) When the “transaction timeout” time is set to 60 seconds
Properties prop;
prop.setProperty(“transactionTimeout”, “60”);
GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getGridStore(prop);
60133 DS_FETCH_START_POS_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of row failed. Cursor position specified in searching operation may be wrong.  
60134 DS_PUT_TRIGGER_FAILED ERROR Registration of trigger failed.   Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system. Check with support if there is sufficient memory.
60135 DS_UPDATE_TRIGGER_FAILED ERROR Update of trigger failed.   Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system. Check with support if there is sufficient memory.
60136 DS_DELETE_TRIGGER_FAILED ERROR Deletion of trigger failed.    
60137 DS_GET_TRIGGER_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of trigger failed.    
60141 DS_COL_GET_LOCK_ID_INVALID ERROR Row lock failed.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60142 DS_TIM_GET_LOCK_ID_INVALID ERROR Row lock failed.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60144 DS_CON_GET_ROW_ID_LIST_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60145 DS_CON_GET_OID_LIST_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60147 DS_CON_GET_ROW_LIST_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60149 DS_DS_SCHEMA_CHANGE_INVALID ERROR Schema change failed. Schema specified in the container registration, update operation may be wrong.  
60149 DS_DS_SCHEMA_CHANGE_INVALID ERROR Schema change failed. Schema settings may be wrong.  
60150 DS_TIM_UPDATE_ROW_INVALID ERROR Update of row failed.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60151 DS_CON_STATUS_INVALID ERROR Container operation failed. Container data may be corrupted. Check with support.
A non-conforming status has been detected in the data in a specific container. Although service is continued, the container concerned cannot be updated subsequently. Search result may become invalid as well.
60153 DS_CON_ACCESS_INVALID ERROR Container operation failed. Container operation may be wrong. Check the DB name, container name, container attribute type.
60154 CON_PUT_ROW_OPTION_INVALID ERROR Row operation failed. Container registration or update operation may be wrong. Constraint is violated. Check the row operation constraints. For example, there may already be a row has same key when using INSERT or there may not be a row has specified key when using UPDATE.
60155 DS_FETCH_PARAMETER_INVALID ERROR TQL operation failed. Search condition settings may be wrong. Set a fetch size setting of 1 or more in the fetch option.
60157 DS_CONTAINER_UNEXPECTEDLY_REMOVED ERROR Deletion of container executed. Container may not exist. Reacquire the container by name.
60159 DS_INPUT_MESSAGE_INVALID ERROR Row operation failed. Data may be broken by registering, deleting, or searching row.  
60160 DS_BACKGROUND_TASK_INVALID ERROR Background event processing was executed.   This is a server event log message.
60161 DS_DS_CONTAINER_EXPIRED INFO Reading expired table partition detected.   This is a server event log message.
60163 DS_DS_ARCHIVE_FAILED ERROR Writing long archive failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
60164 DS_DS_ARCHIVE_INFO ERROR Generation of long archive started.   Event log data message related to long arcchive processing.
60165 DS_DS_DROP_CONTAINER_FAILED ERROR Failed in deleting a container.   Check the error message output section for the descriptions and workarounds for the circumstances under which error codes that are output besides this error code occur.
60166 DS_CON_LOCK_CONFLICT ERROR Failed in locking a row.   Check the update operation. Wait for a while before performing the update operation.
60167 DS_CON_CREATE_INDEX_FAILED ERROR Failed in creating an index.   Check the error message output section for the descriptions and workarounds for the circumstances under which error codes that are output besides this error code occur.
60168 DS_CON_DROP_INDEX_FAILED ERROR Failed in deleting an index.   Check the error message output section for the descriptions and workarounds for the circumstances under which error codes that are output besides this error code occur.
60169 DS_CON_DELETE_ROW_FAILED ERROR Failed in deleting a row.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60170 DS_CON_UPDATE_ROW_INVALID ERROR Failed in updating a row.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60171 DS_CON_ABORT_FAILED ERROR Failed in aborting a transaction.   Check the error message output section for the descriptions and workarounds for the circumstances under which error codes that are output besides this error code occur.
60172 DS_CON_COMMIT_FAILED ERROR Failed in committing a transaction.   Check the error message output section for the descriptions and workarounds for the circumstances under which error codes that are output besides this error code occur.
60173 DS_CON_GET_LOCK_ID_INVALID ERROR Failed in locking a row.   Check other error logs first, if any.
60900 DS_DS_CREATE_CONTAINER ERROR Generation of container executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60901 DS_DS_UPDATE_CONTAINER ERROR Update of container executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60902 DS_DS_DROP_CONTAINER ERROR Deletion of container executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60903 DS_DS_DROP_PARTITION ERROR Deletion of partition executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60904 DS_DS_CONTAINER_ID_TABLE_STATUS ERROR Update of container list executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60906 DS_CON_DATA_AFFINITY_DEFINED ERROR Data affinity set in container.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60907 DS_CON_CREATE_INDEX ERROR Index set in container.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60908 DS_CON_DROP_INDEX ERROR Container index deleted.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60909 DS_CON_CREATE_TRIGGER ERROR Trigger set in container   Event log data message related to data processing.
60910 DS_CON_UPDATE_TRIGGER ERROR Container trigger changed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60911 DS_TIM_COMPRESSION_INVALID_WARNING ERROR Update of row failed. Row registration, update and deletion may not be supported as operations in a time series container set to be compressed. Registration of rows at an earlier time and update/deletion of rows already registered is not possible for a time series container set for compression.
60912 DS_HASH_CHANGE_STATUS ERROR Update of index executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
60913 DS_DS_CHANGE_STATUS ERROR Store parameter changed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
65006 VC_INVALID_CREATE_CONTAINER_SCHEMA ERROR Creating virtual table failed. Schema definition may be wrong. Virtual table that stores vector data must have one or more BLOB type columns. In addition, only one virtual column that stores distances for vector search can be specified.
65007 VC_INVALID_CREATE_INDEX_PARAMS ERROR Creating vector index failed. Parameter may be wrong. Check the parameter of vector index creation.
65008 VC_INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMS ERROR Execution of vector search failed. Parameter may be wrong. Check the vector search parameter and search vector.
65012 VC_INVALID_ROW_FIELD ERROR Checking vector data failed. The number of dimensions of vector data may not match that of the index. When assigning an index using LSH, check whether the number of dimensions of vector data when LSH is created matches that of vector data stored in table. When assigning an index that does not use LSH, check whether the number of dimensions of vector data to be stored matches the dimension number of already stored vector data.
65015 VC_CHANGE_PARAMETER_FAILED ERROR Execution of WebAPI failed. WebAPI parameter may be wrong. Check the specified parameter of parameter changing for vector operation.
65900 VC_PLUGIN_INFO ERROR Virtual table operation executed.   Event log data message related to vector processing.
65901 VC_PLUGIN_CREATE_INDEX ERROR Creating vector index executed.   Event log data message related to vector processing.
65902 VC_PLUGIN_OPEN ERROR Opening vector index executed.   Event log data message related to vector processing.
68051 CF_INVALID_DIRECTORY ERROR Checking of data file failed. Definition file may be wrong. Check the specified directory of the definition file. Check whether the specified directory exists and can be accessed, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the device as well.
68054 CF_OPEN_FILE_FAILED ERROR Opening of data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check whether the data file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the data file output destination device.
68055 CF_READ_CHUNK_FAILED ERROR Reading of data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check whether the data file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the data file output destination device.
68056 CF_WRITE_CHUNK_FAILED ERROR Writing to data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check whether the data file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the data file output destination device.
68062 CHM_CHECKPOINT_FILE_FLUSH_FAILED ERROR Writing to data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check whether the data file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the data file output destination device.
68071 CHM_CID_LIMIT_OVER ERROR Update of transaction failed. Limit value of store size may have been exceeded. As long as the data size of a single, huge container has not reached the upper limit, registration may still be possible by increasing the number of partitions set in another DB.
68073 CHM_GET_CHECKPOINT_CHUNK_FAILED ERROR Reading of data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Check whether the data file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the data file output destination device.
68076 CHM_INCOMPATIBLE_ZLIB_VERSION ERROR Checking library failed. Library version may be wrong. Check the version compatibility of the system library.
68900 CHM_INTERNAL_INFO ERROR Store status check executed.   Event log data message related to data processing.
68902 CHM_INVALID_PARAMETER INFO Data file compression can not be executed. The execution environment may be unsupported. Check the supported environment.
68903 CHM_CONFIG INFO Store status check executed.    
68906 CHM_CP_FILE_FLUSH_SIZE INFO Changed data file parameters.   Event log information message related to the flush interval setting of the checkpoint file.
70001 QP_ROW_KEY_UNDEFINED ERROR Acquisition of row failed. Row key may not have been set up. Check the schema of the container subject to the operation.
70002 QP_ROW_KEY_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of row failed. Number of search operations may have exceeded the limit value. When executing a Get for a collection:
Length of the string key given as a Get input exceeds the upper limit. Check the input.
When conducting a range search on collection whose row key is a string:
A range search cannot be used on containers whose row key is a string. Check the specifications.
When conducting a range search on collections whose row key is a time:
Input time exceeds the range. Check the input.
70004 QP_INTERVAL_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Unit of the time interval specified in the sampling operation may not be supported. Check the input.
70006 QP_COLUMN_ID_INVALID ERROR Sampling of time series container failed. Column name specified in sampling operation may be wrong. Check the input.
70007 QP_TIMESTAMP_RANGE_INVALID ERROR Acquisition of row failed. Number of search operations may have exceeded the limit value. Check the input.
70008 QP_COL_GET_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70009 QP_TIM_SEARCH_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70010 QP_TIM_SAMPLE_FAILED ERROR Sampling of time series container failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70011 QP_TIM_AGGREGATE_FAILED ERROR Consolidated processing of time series container failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70012 QP_TIM_GET_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70013 QP_TIM_INTERPOLATE_FAILED ERROR Sampling of time series container failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70017 QP_COL_RANGE_FAILED ERROR Acquisition of row failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70018 QP_COL_QUERY_FAILED ERROR TQL execution failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70020 QP_SEARCH_GEOM_FAILED ERROR Execution of spatial search failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
70021 QP_SEARCH_GEOM_RELATED_FAILED ERROR Execution of spatial search failed.   Check the description of the circumstances in which other error codes besides this error code is generated and the countermeasures to be adopted in the error message output section.
75000 QF_VALUE_OVERFLOW ERROR The query execution failed. Data calculation may have exceeded the limit value. Check the value to be calculated.
75001 QF_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ERROR The query execution failed. Data calculation argument may be incorrect. Check if division is performed.
75002 QF_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE ERROR The query execution failed. Data calculation argument may be incorrect. Make sure that the value constraints specific to the syntax and functions are not violated.
80000 LM_WRITE_LOG_FAILED ERROR Writing to log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether there is any empty space in the transaction log storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred.
80001 LM_FLUSH_FAILED ERROR Writing to log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the transaction log storage location.
80005 LM_OPEN_LOG_FILE_FAILED ERROR Opening of log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check as detailed data may have appeared in another trace. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether the log file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location.
80006 LM_READ_LOG_BLOCK_FAILED ERROR Reading of log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether the log file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location.
80007 LM_WRITE_LOG_BLOCK_FAILED ERROR Writing to log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether the log file can be created and written, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location.
80008 LM_SYNC_LOG_FILE_FAILED ERROR Writing to log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether the log file exists and can be written, whether other applications have opened the log file, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location.
80009 LM_CREATE_LOG_FILE_FAILED ERROR Generation of log file failed. Definition file setting value may be wrong. Check whether the log file can be created and written, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location. In addition, this error may appear even if a log file that ought to exist does not exist. When creating a new log file, delete the files below the parameter “dbPath”. When starting from a backup, copy all the files stored in the backup directory after deleting the files under “dbPath”.
80010 LM_PREPARE_CHECKPOINT_FAILED ERROR Writing to log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check as detailed data may have appeared in another trace. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether the log file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location.
80011 LM_POST_CHECKPOINT_FAILED ERROR Deletion of log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check as detailed data may have appeared in another trace. Check whether there is any empty memory in the system, whether the log file exists and can be read, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the log file storage location.
80012 LM_LOG_FILES_CONFIGURATION_UNMATCHED ERROR Checking of log file failed. The log file may not match the setting value of the definition file Respond according to the trace error message.
・”Existing log files do not match the server configuration”: Definition file setting value contradicts the contents in the existing log file. If the definition file settings are changed, delete the files below the parameter “dbPath”. When starting from a backup, copy all the files stored in the backup directory after deleting the files under “dbPath” and restore the parameter file as well.
・”Directory not found despite check only”: Data directory does not exist. Check the value of the parameter “dbPath” and check whether the file can be read and accessed.
・”Log file not found despite check only”: Log file does not exist. Check the value of the parameter “dbPath” and check whether the file exists and can be read and accessed.
80016 LM_REMOVE_LOGFILE_FAILED ERROR Deletion of log file failed. Log file may not exist. Check whether the log file subject to deletion exists and whether it can be deleted.
80017 LM_COPY_LOG_FILE_FAILED ERROR Backup execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the backup file storage location. Check whether a backup directory can be created, and whether there is sufficient empty space to create a file under it.
80018 LM_CLOSE_LOG_FILE_FAILED ERROR Closing of log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the log file storage location.
80019 LM_INVALID_LOG_BLOCK ERROR Checking of log file failed. Log file may be inconsistent. Recovery process will be carried out automatically except for internal errors, so no measure is required in particular if there are no problems after restarting. Check with support for internal errors that appear as ERROR.
80021 LM_INVALID_LOG_INDEX ERROR Checking of log file failed. Log file version may be wrong. When opening the old version of a database file, follow the database migration procedure to migrate the database file. For all other cases, check with support as an internal error may have occurred.
80022 LM_LOG_FILE_VERSION_UNMATCHED ERROR Checking of log file failed. Log file version may be wrong. When opening the old version of a database file, follow the database migration procedure to migrate the database file. For all other cases, check with support as an internal error may have occurred.
80900 LM_OPEN_SKIP_PARTITIONGROUP INFO Opening of log file skipped.   Event log data message indicating that a partition with no log file existing in the recovery process has been skipped.
80901 LM_UNSUPPORTED_LOGTYPE WARNING Reading of log file skipped. Log file version may be wrong. Event log data message indicating the detection of a log record with a different version.
80902 LM_UNKNOWN_LOGTYPE WARNING Reading of log file skipped. Log file version may be wrong. Event log data message indicating the detection of a log record with a different version.
80903 LM_PUT_LOG_START INFO Writing to log file executed.   Event log data message indicating that data has been written to a log file.
80904 LM_PUT_LOG_INFO INFO Writing to log file executed.   Event log data message indicating that data has been written to a log file.
80905 LM_WRITE_DUPLICATE_LOG_FAILED ERROR Writing to auto backup file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the transaction log storage location.
80906 LM_FLUSH_DUPLICATE_LOG_FAILED ERROR Writing to auto backup file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the transaction log storage location.
80907 LM_CREATE_LOG_FILE_FAILED ERROR Error detected in status of auto backup file. Log file may be duplicated. Check whether the log file exists in the auto backup location.
80909 LM_CLEANUP_LOG_FILES INFO Deletion of log file executed.   Event log data message indicating that the old log file has been deleted together with the checkpoint execution.
80910 LM_INCOMPLETE_TAIL_BLOCK WARNING Error detected in status of log file. Log file may be non-conforming. Event log data message indicating that an error in the area where the log file was last written has been detected. Logs in areas written last will be discarded. Server process may have been forced to terminate during the last start-up.
80912 LM_PREPARE_CHECKPOINT_FAILED WARNING Writing to data synchronization log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data synchronization log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the data synchronization log file storage location.
80913 LM_POST_CHECKPOINT_FAILED WARNING Writing to data synchronization log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data synchronization log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the data synchronization log file storage location.
80914 LM_FLUSH_SYNC_TEMP_LOG_FAILED WARNING Writing to data synchronization log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data synchronization log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the data synchronization log file storage location.
80915 LM_PUT_SYNC_TEMP_LOG_FAILED WARNING Writing to data synchronization log file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data synchronization log file storage location. Check whether a physical failure has occurred in storing the data synchronization log file storage location.
80916 LM_CHUNK_META_LOG_SIZE INFO Compression of log file was executed.   This is an event log message to show that compression of checkpoint log was executed.
80917 LM_LOG_VERSION INFO The log file version has been updated.   Event log data message indicating that the log file version has been updated.
80918 LM_FADVISE_LOG_FILE_FAILED WARNING Log file operation failed. The execution environment may not be supported. OS file cache clear of log file failed. Check if the OS and file system are supported.
80919 LM_FADVISE_LOG_FILE_INFO INFO A log file operation was executed.   This is an event log message indicating that OS file cache clear of the log file is executed.
90000 PT_CREATE_FAILED ERROR Startup of service failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
90002 PT_UPDATE_SYNC_PARTITION ERROR Operation of partition table failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
90003 PT_UPDATE_GOAL_PARTITION ERROR Operation of partition table failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
90004 PT_INVALID_NODE_ADDRESS ERROR Operation of partition table failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
90005 PT_SET_INVALID_NODE_ID ERROR Operation of partition table failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
90006 PT_INVALID_PARTITON_ROLE_TYPE ERROR Operation of partition table failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
100000 CT_PARAMETER_FILE_LOAD_FAILED ERROR Reading of definition file failed. Path specified during startup may be wrong. Check the directory path of the parameter file given during startup. Check whether the format of the parameter file is correct as well.
100001 CT_PARAMETER_FILE_TOO_LARGE ERROR Reading of definition file failed. Size of definition file may be large. Check whether the file size of the parameter file (gs_node.json, gs_cluster.json) has exceeded 32 KB.
100002 CT_PARAMETER_INVALID ERROR Reading of definition file failed. Definition file setting value may be wrong. Check whether the correct value has been specified for parameters with a number of fixed values. (Example: replication method, etc.)
100003 CT_PARAMETER_LESS_THAN_LOWER_LIMIT ERROR Reading of definition file failed. Definition file setting value may be less than the limit value. Check the value of the parameter and its lower limit.
100004 CT_PARAMETER_GREATER_THAN_UPPER_LIMIT ERROR Reading of definition file failed. Definition file setting value may have exceeded the limit value. Check the value of the parameter and its upper limit.
100005 CT_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH ERROR Reading of definition file failed. Data type of definition file setting value (numerical value, string) may not be consistent. Check the data type of the parameter value (numerical value or string).
110003 TM_SESSION_NOT_FOUND ERROR Execution of client request failed. Transaction may not exist. Lengthen the failover timeout time. However, check with support if the error still persists despite lengthening the time.
110005 TM_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND ERROR Execution of client request failed. Transaction may not exist. Check whether the transaction timeout time has been exceeded.
110008 TM_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED ERROR Commit transaction failed. Failover may have failed. Check whether a failure has occurred in the network. However, check with support if this occurred, even if no failure has occurred.
110009 TM_TRANSACTION_ABORT_NOT_ALLOWED ERROR Abort transaction failed. Failover may have failed. Check whether a failure has occurred in the network. However, check with support if this occurred, even if no failure has occurred.
110010 TM_TRANSACTION_ALREADY_BEGIN ERROR Start transaction failed. Failover may have failed. Check whether a failure has occurred in the network. However, check with support if this occurred, even if no failure has occurred.
110013 TM_STATEMENT_ALREADY_EXECUTED ERROR Transaction failover detected. A failure may have occurred in the cluster. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a failover has been carried out.
110016 TM_SESSION_UUID_UNMATCHED ERROR Execution of transaction failed. Transaction may be non-conforming. Lengthen the failover timeout time. However, check with support if the error still persists despite lengthening the time.
110022 TM_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_FAILED ERROR Commit transaction failed. Transaction may be non-conforming. Check other error logs first, if any.
110030 TM_CREATION_MODE_INVALID ERROR Execution of transaction failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
110031 TM_TRANSACTION_MODE_INVALID ERROR Execution of transaction failed. Client version may be wrong. Check the version of the client and server.
110032 TM_REPLICATION_NOT_FOUND ERROR Execution of replication failed. Replication timeout may have occurred. Check whether a failure has occurred in a cluster or network. However, increase the replication timeout time if a failure occurs despite not having occurred in the past.
110033 TM_STATEMENT_INVALID ERROR Execution of transaction failed. Replication may have failed. Check whether a failure has occurred in a cluster or network. However, check with support if this occurred, even if no failure has occurred.
110035 TM_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_FOUND ERROR Authentication execution failed. User authentication timeout may have occurred. Wait for a while before executing the command again.
121000 JSON_INVALID_SYNTAX ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. A syntax error may have occurred in the JSON response from the address provider. Check whether the output details of the address provider are in the correct JSON syntax.
121001 JSON_KEY_NOT_FOUND ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Check whether the JSON output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
121002 JSON_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Check whether the JSON output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
121003 JSON_UNEXPECTED_TYPE ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Check whether the JSON output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
121500 JC_JSON_INVALID_SYNTAX ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. A syntax error may have occurred in the JSON response from the address provider. Check whether the output details of the address provider are in the correct JSON syntax.
121501 JC_JSON_KEY_NOT_FOUND ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Check whether the JSON output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
121502 JC_JSON_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Check whether the JSON output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
121503 JC_JSON_UNEXPECTED_TYPE ERROR Reading of JSON data failed. JSON response from the address provider may be wrong. Check whether the JSON output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
122002 HTTP_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE ERROR Checking of HTTP message failed. HTTP response from the address provider may be different from expected. Check the status of the address provider or the connection setting for the address provider. In addition, check whether the output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
122003 HTTP_INVALID_MESSAGE ERROR Reading of HTTP message failed. A syntax error may have occurred in the HTTP response from the address provider. Check whether the address provider conforms to HTTP.
122502 JC_HTTP_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE ERROR Checking of HTTP message failed. HTTP response from the address provider may be different from expected. Check the status of the address provider or the connection setting for the address provider. In addition, check whether the output format of the address provider conforms to the specifications.
123002 SA_INVALID_CONFIG ERROR Checking of address provider setting failed. Address provider settings may be wrong. Check whether the URL format, etc. of the address provider is correct.
123003 SA_ADDRESS_CONFLICTED ERROR Checking of address or address list of nodes subject to notification failed. The response from the address provider or the address list in the connection settings may have been duplicated. Check whether the response from the address provider, the client connection settings, or address list included in the server configuration file comply with the specifications.
123004 SA_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED ERROR Checking of address or address list of nodes subject to notification failed. The response from the address provider or the address list in the connection settings may not exist. Check whether the response from the address provider, the client connection settings, or address list included in the server configuration file comply with the specifications.
123005 SA_INVALID_ADDRESS ERROR Checking of address or address list of nodes subject to notification failed. The response from the address provider or the address list in the connection settings may be wrong. Check whether the response from the address provider, the client connection settings, or address list included in the server configuration file comply with the specifications.
123502 JC_SA_INVALID_CONFIG ERROR Checking of address provider setting failed. Address provider settings may be wrong. Check whether the URL format, etc. of the address provider is correct.
123503 JC_SA_ADDRESS_CONFLICTED ERROR Checking of address or address list of nodes subject to notification failed. The response from the address provider or the address list in the connection settings may have been duplicated. Check whether the response from the address provider and address list included in the client connection settings comply with the specifications.
123504 JC_SA_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED ERROR Checking of address or address list of nodes subject to notification failed. The response from the address provider or the address list in the connection settings may not exist. Check whether the response from the address provider and address list included in the client connection settings comply with the specifications.
123505 JC_SA_INVALID_ADDRESS ERROR Checking of address or address list of nodes subject to notification failed. The response from the address provider or the address list in the connection settings may be wrong. Check whether the response from the address provider and address list included in the client connection settings comply with the specifications.
124002 AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS ERROR Authentication check failed. User name or password may be wrong. Check if the user name and password are correct.
130003 EE_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED ERROR Service status check failed. Definition file setting value may be wrong. Check the contents of the definition file.
130010 EE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ERROR Processing of service message failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Cluster node could not be connected. The relevant node may be down due to a failure, etc. No response needed as the cluster control section detects the change in configuration automatically and excludes the relevant node from the cluster.
130012 EE_IO_READ_FAILED ERROR Processing of service message failed. Network I/O error may have occurred. The connection with the client or cluster node has been interrupted. No response is required as a re-connection (failover) will be carried out on the client side if it is a client, while the cluster control section will automatically perform a re-connection if it is a cluster node.
130013 EE_IO_WRITE_FAILED ERROR Processing of service message failed. Network I/O error may have occurred. The connection with the client or cluster node has been interrupted. No response is required as a re-connection (failover) will be carried out on the client side if it is a client, while the cluster control section will automatically perform a re-connection if it is a cluster node.
130015 EE_MESSAGE_INVALID ERROR Processing of service message failed. Network I/O error may have occurred. Client and server version may be different, or nodes of multiple versions may exist on the same network. Check the version and network environment.
130029 EE_FD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR Service status check failed. Definition file setting value may have exceeded the limit value. Check the connectionLimit specified in gs_node.json.
130035 EE_REQUEST_SYNC_FAILED ERROR Processing of service event failed. A failure may have occurred in another process. Check whether the node is in the high load state (a query with a large amount of hits has been executed, a large amount of swaps has been generated).
130900 EE_TIME_DIFF_ERROR ERROR Error detected in OS time status. OS time may have been changed. Check whether the OS time has been forced to change and whether the mode has been set to the slew mode if time adjustment is carried out automatically by NTP.
130901 EE_WAIT_COMPLETION WARNING Processing of service event continued to be in standby status.   Event log data message indicating that a wait event that is caused by an event with a dependency relationship has occurred in the event processing engine.
130902 EE_UNKNOWN_EVENT WARNING Unknown event detected by service. Client version may be wrong. Event log data message indicating that an unsupported event has been detected in the event processing engine.
130903 EE_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN ERROR Closing of client connection detected. Client might not have been shut down normally. Event log data message indicating that a disconnection with the client has been detected in the event processing engine.
140001 CC_EMPTY_PARAMETER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the value of the parameter.
140002 CC_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the value of the parameter.
140003 CC_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether the function used is supported.
140004 CC_SIZE_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140005 CC_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_ENTRY   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the property details.
140006 CC_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FORMAT   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the format of the value.
140007 CC_ILLEGAL_SYMBOL_CHARACTER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the symbol name.
140008 CC_UNKNOWN_COLUMN_NAME   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the column name.
140009 CC_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE   Checking of client request failed. Row key may be wrong. Check the input.
140010 CC_UNSUPPORTED_FIELD_TYPE   Checking of client request failed. Column may be wrong. Check the input.
140011 CC_UNSUPPORTED_ROW_MAPPING   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether an unsupported function has been used.
140012 CC_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_TYPE_OPTION   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140013 CC_UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY_OPERATOR   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140014 CC_UNKNOWN_AGGREGATION   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140015 CC_UNKNOWN_TIME_OPERATOR   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140016 CC_UNKNOWN_INDEX_FLAG   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140017 CC_UNKNOWN_FETCH_OPTION   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140018 CC_UNKNOWN_TIME_UNIT   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
140019 CC_UNSUPPORTED_DEFAULT_INDEX   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the container type, column type, and whether it is a row key or not.
140020 CC_BINDING_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the schema definition.
140021 CC_MULTIPLE_KEYS_FOUND   Checking of client request failed. Row key may be wrong. Check the schema definition.
140022 CC_COLUMN_NAME_CONFLICTED   Checking of client request failed. Column may be wrong. Check the column name.
140023 CC_ILLEGAL_SCHEMA   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the schema definition.
140024 CC_KEY_NOT_FOUND   Checking of client request failed. Row key may not exist. Check the schema definition.
140025 CC_KEY_NOT_ACCEPTED   Checking of client request failed. Row key argument may be wrong. Check the operating details.
140026 CC_EMPTY_ROW_FIELD   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the details of the row data.
140028 CC_BAD_CONNECTION   Processing of client request message failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Check the status of the servers and machines whose servers are in operation.
140029 CC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT   Timeout of client request occurred. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Check the status of the servers and machines whose servers are in operation.
140030 CC_WRONG_NODE   Status check of client request failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Check that the value of the clusterStatus that can be acquired by a gs_stat command is MASTER or FOLLOWER. In addition, check that several seconds or tens of seconds have passed after the value of this clusterStatus stops fluctuating.
140031 CC_MESSAGE_CORRUPTED   Processing of client request message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. Check whether the versions of the server and client are the same.
140032 CC_PARTITION_NOT_FOUND   Processing of client request message failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. In addition, check that several seconds or tens of seconds have passed after the value of this clusterStatus that can be acquired by a gs-stat command stops fluctuating.
140033 CC_ILLEGAL_PARTITION_COUNT   Status check of client request failed. Cluster may have been duplicated. Check whether multiple versions of nodes are mixed in the same network.
140034 CC_CONTAINER_NOT_OPENED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Perform the operation after acquiring the container object subject to the operation again.
140035 CC_ILLEGAL_COMMIT_MODE   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check the commit mode.
140036 CC_TRANSACTION_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether a container operation has been carried out in the middle of a row update operation.
140037 CC_NO_SHCH_ELEMENT   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check the operating procedure of the cursor.
140038 CC_CONTAINER_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether a container subject to the operation has been closed by mistake.
Perform the operation after acquiring the container object subject to the operation again.
140039 CC_NOT_LOCKED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Carry out the operation after performing an update lock.
140040 CC_RESOURCE_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether a resource subject to the operation has been closed by mistake.
140041 CC_ALLOCATION_FAILED   Status error in client request occurred. Securing of memory may have failed. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
140042 CC_RECOVERABLE_CONNECTION_PROBLEM   Status check of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether an unsupported function has been used.
140043 CC_RECOVERABLE_ROW_SET_LOST   Status check of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether an unsupported function has been used.
140046 CC_PLATFORM_ERROR   OS system call failed.   Check the value of errno in the error message.
145001 JC_EMPTY_PARAMETER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the value of the parameter.
145002 JC_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the value of the parameter.
145003 JC_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether the function used is supported.
145004 JC_SIZE_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145005 JC_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_ENTRY   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the property details.
145006 JC_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FORMAT   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the format of the value.
145007 JC_ILLEGAL_SYMBOL_CHARACTER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the symbol name.
145008 JC_UNKNOWN_COLUMN_NAME   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the column name.
145009 JC_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE   Checking of client request failed. Row key may be wrong. Check the input.
145010 JC_UNSUPPORTED_FIELD_TYPE   Checking of client request failed. Column may be wrong. Check the input.
145011 JC_UNSUPPORTED_ROW_MAPPING   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether an unsupported function has been used.
145012 JC_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_TYPE_OPTION   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145013 JC_UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY_OPERATOR   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145014 JC_UNKNOWN_AGGREGATION   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145015 JC_UNKNOWN_TIME_OPERATOR   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145016 JC_UNKNOWN_INDEX_FLAG   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145017 JC_UNKNOWN_FETCH_OPTION   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145018 JC_UNKNOWN_TIME_UNIT   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the input.
145019 JC_UNSUPPORTED_DEFAULT_INDEX   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the container type, column type, and whether it is a row key or not.
145020 JC_BINDING_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the schema definition.
145021 JC_MULTIPLE_KEYS_FOUND   Checking of client request failed. Row key may be wrong. Check the schema definition.
145022 JC_COLUMN_NAME_CONFLICTED   Checking of client request failed. Column may be wrong. Check the column name.
145023 JC_ILLEGAL_SCHEMA   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the schema definition.
145024 JC_KEY_NOT_FOUND   Checking of client request failed. Row key may not exist. Check the schema definition.
145025 JC_KEY_NOT_ACCEPTED   Checking of client request failed. Row key argument may be wrong. Check the operating details.
145026 JC_EMPTY_ROW_FIELD   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Check the details of the row data.
145028 JC_BAD_CONNECTION   Processing of client request message failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Check the status of the servers and machines whose servers are in operation.
145029 JC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT   Timeout of client request occurred. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Check the status of the servers and machines whose servers are in operation.
145030 JC_WRONG_NODE   Status check of client request failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. Check that the value of the clusterStatus that can be acquired by a gs_stat command is MASTER or FOLLOWER. In addition, check that several seconds or tens of seconds have passed after the value of this clusterStatus stops fluctuating.
145031 JC_MESSAGE_CORRUPTED   Processing of client request message failed. Cluster version may be wrong. Check whether the versions of the server and client are the same.
145032 JC_PARTITION_NOT_AVAILABLE   Processing of client request message failed. Cluster may not be in a stable state. In addition, check that several seconds or tens of seconds have passed after the value of this clusterStatus that can be acquired by a gs-stat command stops fluctuating.
145033 JC_ILLEGAL_PARTITION_COUNT   Status check of client request failed. Cluster may have been duplicated. Check whether multiple versions of nodes are mixed in the same network.
145034 JC_CONTAINER_NOT_OPENED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Perform the operation after acquiring the container object subject to the operation again.
145035 JC_ILLEGAL_COMMIT_MODE   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check the commit mode.
145036 JC_TRANSACTION_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether a container operation has been carried out in the middle of a row update operation.
145037 JC_NO_SHCH_ELEMENT   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check the operating procedure of the cursor.
145038 JC_CONTAINER_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether a container subject to the operation has been closed by mistake.
Perform the operation after acquiring the container object subject to the operation again.
145039 JC_NOT_LOCKED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Carry out the operation after performing an update lock.
145040 JC_RESOURCE_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether a resource subject to the operation has been closed by mistake.
145041 JC_ALLOCATION_FAILED   Status error in client request occurred. Securing of memory may have failed. Check the memory capacity used.
145042 JC_RECOVERABLE_CONNECTION_PROBLEM   Status check of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether an unsupported function has been used.
145043 JC_RECOVERABLE_ROW_SET_LOST   Status check of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Check whether an unsupported function has been used.
145044 JC_ILLEGAL_CONFIG   Reading of client configuration file failed. Client configuration file settings may be wrong. Regarding the client configuration file, conduct the following check in accordance with the exception message.
・There must be a directory including the client configuration file in the class path
・Multiple client configuration files must be included in the class path
・The category name (“factory”, etc.) of each property name in the configuration file must be correctly specified
145045 JC_DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY   Checking of client request failed. Number of DB containers may not be zero. Delete all containers in the DB targeted for deletion.
147001 JDBC_NOT_SUPPORTED   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. Out of the standard functions that ought to be supported by a driver conforming to the JDBC specifications, a function that is currently not supported by this driver was used. Check the driver instructions.
147002 JDBC_OPTIONAL_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. A function not supported by this driver that is positioned as an optional function in the JDBC specifications and for which a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException may occur was used. Check the driver instructions.
147003 JDBC_EMPTY_PARAMETER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. Null has been specified for a JDBC API method argument for which null is not permitted. Check the driver instructions.
147004 JDBC_ALREADY_CLOSED   Status check of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. A method other than isClosed() was invoked for an object that has a close() method, e.g. a Java.sql.Connection object, etc. after it has been closed. Check the method invoking sequence.
147005 JDBC_COLUMN_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. A column number outside the range has been specified. Check whether the column data conforms to the column number.
147006 JDBC_VALUE_TYPE_CONVERSION_FAILED   Checking of client request failed. Data type of data operation (numerical value, string) may not be consistent. Conversion between SQL and Java data type failed. Check whether the data type conversion rules described in the driver instructions are conformed to.
147007 JDBC_UNWRAPPING_NOT_SUPPORTED   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. An unsupported data type was specified for a JDBC object installed with java.sql.Wrapper#unwrap (Class).
147008 JDBC_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER   Checking of client request failed. Argument of operation may be wrong. A value with a non-permitted format was specified for the JDBC API method argument. Check the driver instructions.
147009 JDBC_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUE   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not be supported. A value that is currently not supported was specified for the JDBC API method argument. Check the driver instructions.
147010 JDBC_ILLEGAL_STATE   Checking of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. A function with a specific status whose execution is not permitted was invoked. Check the driver instructions.
147011 JDBC_INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION   Checking of client request failed. Operation may be wrong. Cursor position of the java.sql.ResultSet object, etc. is not appropriate. For example, access to the column value has been requested despite the cursor being located in front of the leading row. Check the driver instructions.
147012 JDBC_STATEMENT_CATEGORY_UNMATCHED   Checking of client request failed. Operation may not have been permitted. There may have been an attempt to execute a reference SQL with a executeUpdate, or a updateSQL with an executeQuery, or a SQL having a bind parameter with a NormalStatement (instead of a PreparedStatement). Check the detailed message.
147013 JDBC_MESSAGE_CORRUPTED   Checking of client request failed. Client version may be wrong. Check whether the versions of the server and client are the same.
160002 RM_PUT_CHUNK_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed.   Countermeasure is not required as the operation will be automatically carried out again.
160005 RM_REDO_LOG_LSN_INVALID ERROR Execution of recovery failed. Log file may be wrong. When starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and execute again. Check with the support desk for all other cases.
160006 RM_RECOVERY_FAILED ERROR Execution of recovery failed. Log file or data file may be wrong. Check as detailed data may have appeared in another trace. Check whether any files below the parameter “dbPath” have been deleted or moved. Check that there is sufficient empty space in the storage. In addition, when starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and execute again. Check with the support desk for all other cases.
160008 RM_CHECKPOINT_END_LOG_NOT_FOUND ERROR Execution of recovery failed. Log file may be wrong. Check whether any files below the parameter “dbPath” have been deleted or moved. In addition, when starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and restart. Check with the support desk for all other cases.
160012 RM_PARTITION_GROUP_NUM_NOT_MATCH ERROR Checking of data file failed. The data file may not match the setting value of the definition file. If the value of a parameter is changed, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath”. When starting from a backup, copy all the files stored in the backup directory after deleting the files under “dbPath” and restore the parameter file as well.
160013 RM_LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND ERROR Checking of log file failed. Log file may not exist. Check whether any files below the parameter “dbPath” have been deleted or moved. In addition, when starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and restart.
160014 RM_LOG_FILE_CP_FILE_MISMATCH ERROR Checking of data file failed. Data file may not exist. Check whether any files below the parameter “dbPath” have been deleted or moved. In addition, when starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and restart.
160015 RM_CP_FILE_WITH_NO_LOG_FILE ERROR Checking of log file failed. Log file may not exist. Check whether any files below the parameter “dbPath” have been deleted or moved. In addition, when starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and restart.
160016 RM_BACKUP_WITH_NO_LOG_FILE ERROR Checking of log file failed. Log file may not exist. When starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and restart.
160017 RM_WRITE_BACKUP_INFO_FILE_FAILED ERROR Writing to backup data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the backup file storage location. Check whether the directory of the backup location can be written, whether there is sufficient empty capacity in the backup storage location, and whether a physical failure has occurred.
160018 RM_READ_BACKUP_INFO_FILE_FAILED ERROR Reading of backup data file failed. Backup data file may not exist. When starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” and restart. In addition, do not overwrite the backup data file and checkpoint file. Check with support if the above is not applicable.
160019 RM_REMOVE_BACKUP_INFO_FILE_FAILED ERROR Deletion of backup data file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage at the data file storage location. Check whether the backup data file can be deleted, and whether a physical failure has occurred in the target storage of the parameter “dbPath”. In addition, when starting from a backup file, delete the files under the parameter “dbPath” first and then copy all the files from the backup directory to “dbPath” in a readable form and restart.
160021 RM_PARTITION_NUM_NOT_MATCH ERROR Checking of data file failed. The data file may not match the setting value of the definition file. Number of partitions cannot be changed after a database is created. Empty the database and restart it if the number of partitions in the configuration file is changed.
160025 RM_INVALID_PARTITION ERROR Execution of recovery failed. Start-up settings may be wrong. Either enumerate the partition ID by separating it with commas or specify a range using hyphens. When specifying a range, the start ID needs to be smaller than the termination ID. In addition, an ID that is larger than the number of partitions set cannot be specified.
160026 RM_ALREADY_APPLY_LOG ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Data synchronization may have been executed already. This event may be recorded depending on the timing of the data synchronization but this is not an error and so no countermeasure is required.
160028 RM_INVALID_CPFILE_SPLIT_COUNT ERROR Execution of recovery failed. The startup setting may be incorrect. The number of directories specified when splitting a checkpoint file must be less than or equal to the number of splitting.
160029 RM_INVALID_FILE_FOUND ERROR Execution of recovery failed. Data file configuration may have failed. Checkpoint file placement does not match the configuration file specification. Be especially careful when dividing checkpoint files.
160030 RM_INCOMPLETE_CP_FILE ERROR Execution of recovery failed. The data file may not exist. When splitting a checkpoint file, all split files must exist at the time of restart.
160900 RM_RECOVERY_INFO ERROR Recovery operation executed.   Event log data message indicating that a recovery process has been executed.
160901 RM_COMPLETE_UNDO ERROR Abort transaction executed.   Event log data message indicating that uncommitted transactions were aborted when the recovery process was down.
160902 RM_APPLY_LOG_FAILED ERROR Data file change skipped.   Event log data message indicating that restoration of update details that have already been reflected in the recovery process has been skipped.
160903 RM_REDO_LOG_STATUS ERROR Recovery operation executed.   Event log data message indicating that a recovery process has been executed.
160904 RM_BACKUP_INFO_FILE_DIGEST ERROR Backup operation executed.   Event log data message indicating that a backup process has been executed.
170000 TRIG_SERVICE_START_FAILED ERROR Startup of service failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system. Check with support if there is sufficient memory.
170001 TRIG_TYPE_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong. Specify the trigger type as JMS or REST.
170003 TRIG_TARGET_OPERATION_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong. Specify 1 or more update operation subject to monitoring.
170004 TRIG_JMS_PROVIDER_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong.  
170005 TRIG_JMS_DESTINATION_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong. Check the specification of the JMS destination type.
170006 TRIG_JMS_DESTINATION_NAME_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may be wrong. Check the specification of the JMS destination name.
170007 TRIG_CHECK_FAILED ERROR Notification of trigger failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
170008 TRIG_REST_SEND_FAILED ERROR Notification of trigger failed. Trigger notification destination may not exist. Check whether the URI specified when the trigger is created is correct, whether the REST server corresponding to the URI is working correctly, and whether the network connection to the REST server is valid.
170010 TRIG_REST_CHECK_RESPONSE_FAILED ERROR Notification of trigger failed. Trigger notification destination may be wrong. Check the REST server settings of the trigger notification destination.
170011 TRIG_TIMEOUT ERROR Trigger timeout occurred. Trigger notification destination may not exist. Check whether the trigger notification destination server exists and has been configured correctly.
170013 TRIG_JMS_CONNECTION_FAILED ERROR Notification of trigger failed. Trigger notification destination may not exist. Check whether the URI specified when the trigger is created is correct, whether the JMS server corresponding to the URI is working correctly, and whether the network connection to the JMS server is valid.
170014 TRIG_ENCODE_FAILED ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
170015 TRIG_DECODE_FAILED ERROR Notification of trigger failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system.
170016 TRIG_SIZE_INVALID ERROR Registration of trigger failed. Trigger setting may have exceeded the limit value.  
170900 TRIG_SEND ERROR Trigger notification executed.   Event log data message indicating that trigger notification was carried out.
170901 TRIG_CONNECTION_POOL ERROR Trigger connection successful.   Event log data message indicating that the connection for trigger notification was successful.
180000 CLM_CONSTRUCT_FAILED ERROR Startup of service failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check if there is sufficient memory space in the system. Check with support if there is sufficient memory.
180001 CLM_NODE_STATUS_CHECK_FAILED ERROR Cluster status check failed. Node may not be active. No countermeasure is required as it is not an error. Follow the trace description to check the unexecuted cluster operation history.
180002 CLM_CLUSTER_OPERATION_CHECK_FAILED ERROR Cluster status check failed. Operation may not be executable with the current node status. The reason why the requested cluster operation could not be executed is described in the trace, so follow the instructions there to perform the cluster operation again.
180018 CLM_DETECT_DOUBLE_MASTER ERROR Status error detected by cluster. Multiple cluster configurations with the same settings may exist. When configuring a cluster initially, check that the number of nodes constituting the cluster matches the number of nodes constituting the cluster specified in the argument. If the operation was executed with the wrong cluster configuration procedure and this trace was recorded, quickly check the cluster configuration and stop the node group belonging to the duplicated cluster that has been started separately.
180037 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_NOT_JOIN_CLUSTER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Processing command to add WebAPI node may not have been executed. Use a gs_joincluster command to let a node join a cluster.
180038 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_IS_SUBMASTER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. The system will automatically switch to a normal cluster status, but this is not an error so no countermeasure is required.
180039 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_IS_FOLLOWER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. The system will automatically switch to a normal cluster status, but this is not an error so no countermeasure is required.
180040 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_NOT_MASTER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. The system will automatically switch to a normal cluster status, but this is not an error so no countermeasure is required.
180041 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_NOT_FOLLOWER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. The system will automatically switch to a normal cluster status, but this is not an error so no countermeasure is required.
180042 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_NOT_SUBMASTER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. The system will automatically switch to a normal cluster status, but this is not an error so no countermeasure is required.
180043 CLM_CLUSTER_STATUS_ALREADY_JOIN_CLUSTER ERROR Cluster status check failed. Processing command to add WebAPI node may have been executed already. No countermeasure is required as there is no problem even if execution is duplicated.
180044 CLM_CLUSTER_IS_PENDING ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. The system will automatically switch to a normal cluster status, but this is not an error so no countermeasure is required.
180045 CLM_CLUSTER_ALREADY_MAX_NODE ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster may have reached the maximum number of nodes constituting a cluster. If the maximum number of nodes constituting a cluster is exceeded and the number of nodes needs to be increased, increase the number of nodes with a gs_appendcluster command.
180046 CLM_CLUSTER_FOLLOWER_IS_STABLE ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster may have reached the maximum number of nodes constituting a cluster. If the maximum number of nodes constituting a cluster is exceeded and the number of nodes needs to be increased, increase the number of nodes with a gs_appendcluster command.
180047 CLM_NEW_NODE_NEED_TO_FOLLOW_MASTER ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster configuration may have failed as no cluster with operating nodes exists. If the cluster is still being constituted and not in operation yet, or if the cluster has been stopped, a node cannot be allowed to join the cluster using an add-node command. In this case, either wait for the cluster to go into operation, or if the cluster has been stopped normally, allow the cluster configuration to be recovered first before adding the node.
180048 CLM_UNMATCH_CLUSTER_NAME ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster name may not be consistent. Check whether a gs_joincluster command with the same cluster name has been executed for all nodes constituting the cluster. Take note of and manage the cluster name, address and port as this trace will be output even if the cluster notification address and port in gs_cluster.json are the same but the cluster name is different.
180049 CLM_UNMATCH_RESERVE_NUM ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Specified number of nodes constituting a cluster may not be consistent. Check whether a gs_joincluster command with the same number of nodes constituting the cluster has been executed for all nodes constituting the cluster.
180050 CLM_UNMATCH_DIGEST ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster definition file may not be consistent. Check that all nodes constituting a cluster have been started by the same cluster definition file.
180051 CLM_INVALID_PARTIION_NUM ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster definition file may not be consistent. Check that all nodes constituting a cluster have been started by the same cluster definition file.
180052 CLM_ALREADY_STABLE ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster may have reached the maximum number of nodes constituting a cluster. If the maximum number of nodes constituting a cluster is exceeded and the number of nodes needs to be increased, increase the number of nodes with a gs_appendcluster command.
180053 CLM_JOIN_CLUSTER_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster name may have exceeded the limit value. Check whether the cluster name has 64 or less characters and whether the cluster naming rules are as per the manual.
180054 CLM_JOIN_CLUSTER_UNMATCH_CLUSTER_NAME ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Cluster name may not match the setting value of the definition file. When executing a gs_joincluster command, check that the cluster name in the argument matches the cluster name in gs_cluster.json.
180055 CLM_NOT_STABLE ERROR Cluster configuration failed. Some nodes of the cluster may be down. If the node in the cluster is down, allow the node to recover first before executing the command again to let the node join the cluster. In addition, as cluster add or reduce commands cannot be executed consecutively, be sure to execute the procedure in stages as follows: Add cluster → Add node → Add cluster → Add node.
180057 CLM_PENDING_SHUTDOWN ERROR Update of cluster status detected. Operation may be wrong. Execute a gs_leavecluster command. As the node status will become inactive after the command is executed, a normal shutdown will be executed automatically.
180059 CLM_UNPREPARED_HEARTBEAT ERROR Cluster status check failed. Cluster configuration may have failed. Shutdown may occur depending on the cluster configuration timing but this is not an error. No countermeasure is required as the system will automatically perform a retry.
180060 CLM_STATUS_TO_SUBMASTER ERROR Update of cluster status detected. A node failure may have occurred. Status differs depending on the entry status of the cluster. If it is a master node in a cluster that has already been constituted, this status will result if errors are detected in a majority of the nodes. If it is a follower node in a cluster that has already been constituted, this status will result if an error is detected in the master node. In this case, if a majority of the nodes constituting the cluster are operating normally, no countermeasure is required as the cluster will be constituted automatically after a fixed period of time.
180062 CLM_RECEIVE_SUBMASTER_HEARTBEAT ERROR Update of cluster status detected. A node failure may have occurred. As the cluster cannot continue operating, the cluster will be reset once and then re-constituted. No countermeasure is required as the system will automatically perform this procedure.
180064 CLM_DETECT_HEARTBEAT_TO_MASTER ERROR Update of cluster status detected. A node failure may have occurred. This event log is recorded when there is no heartbeat response from the applicable follower node for a fixed period of time. However, if a majority of the nodes is secured, no countermeasure is required as the cluster will automatically failover.
180065 CLM_DETECT_HEARTBEAT_TO_FOLLOWER ERROR Update of cluster status detected. A node failure may have occurred. This event log is recorded when there is no heartbeat response from the applicable master node for a fixed period of time. No countermeasure is required as the cluster will be automatically detached from the cluster it currently joined to before a re-connection request is sent to connect to the cluster again if possible.
190002 SYM_INVALID_PARTITION_STATUS ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new failover process may have been executed during data synchronization. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a new failover has been carried out during synchronization.
190003 SYM_INVALID_PARTITION_ROLE ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new failover process may have been executed during data synchronization. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a new failover has been carried out during synchronization.
190004 SYM_INVALID_PARTITION_REVISION ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new failover process may have been executed during data synchronization. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a new failover process has been carried out during data synchronization.
190005 SYM_INVALID_CLUSTER_INFO ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new failover process may have been executed during data synchronization. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a new failover process has been carried out during data synchronization.
190006 SYM_CREATE_SYNC_CONTEXT_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check other error events first, if any. Check with support if the data appears to be recorded continuously.
190007 SYM_GET_SYNC_CONTEXT_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new failover process may have been executed during data synchronization. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a new failover process has been carried out during data synchronization.
190008 SYM_REMOVE_SYNC_CONTEXT_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. A new failover process may have been executed during data synchronization. No countermeasure is required since the data indicates that a new failover process has been carried out during data synchronization.
190011 SYM_SYNC_CONTEXT_TABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check other error events first, if any. Check with support if the data appears to be recorded continuously.
190012 SYM_CREATE_SYNC_CONTEXT_TABLE_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check other error events first, if any. Check with support if the data appears to be recorded continuously.
190013 SYM_REMOVE_SYNC_CONTEXT_TABLE_FAILED ERROR Data synchronization of cluster failed. Memory may be insufficient. Check other error events first, if any. Check with support if the data appears to be recorded continuously.
200007 SQL_CANCELLED ERROR SQL cancellation occurred. Cancellation may have been executed. SQL under execution has been cancelled. Either execute a cancel command implicitly to cancel, or if the command is executed when the statement timeout is exceeded, review the timeout time if the command is cancelled even though the cancel command has not been called implicitly.
200009 SQL_VALUETYPE_UNSUPPORTED ERROR Unsupported data type detected. Data type of search operation (numerical value, string) may not be consistent. If BLOB is used as a bind parameter of the PreparedStatement, an error may occur depending on the query. (BLOB cannot be used in filtering conditions using a parallel query.)
200010 SQL_BIND_PARAMETER_FAILED ERROR PreparedStatement parameter bind occurred. Operation may be wrong. Regarding the bind parameters of the PreparedStatement, other errors may have occurred e.g. some of the parameters have not been set up, the press holder number is out of range, the parameter value is invalid, the memory is insufficient, and so on. Check the detailed message.
200012 SQL_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION ERROR Authentication failed. User name or password may be wrong. Check if the user name and password are correct.
200013 SQL_INVALID_USER ERROR Database administration operation failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether any operations which require administrator rights have been executed by a general user.
200014 SQL_INVALID_NAME ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether there are any mistakes in the index name and table name subject to SQL operation.
200015 SQL_DML_FAILED ERROR DML execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether there are any mistakes in the name of the table subject to SQL operation, and whether it matches the number of columns in the INSERT command. Other execution processes may have failed in the remote server. Check the detailed message.
200016 SQL_DDL_FAILED ERROR DDL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. There may be errors in the specification of the database name/table name/option subject to SQL operation or in the case of a DROP DATABASE, a table created by a user may have been left behind. Check the detailed message.
200018 SQL_UNSUPPORTED ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Batch execution of multiple queries is not supported.
200019 SQL_CONNECTION_ALREADY_CLOSED ERROR SQL execution failed. Client may already have been disconnected. No countermeasure is required as the data indicates the process is for a client that is already disconnected.
200021 SQL_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Check whether there are any mistakes in the table name subject to SQL operation.
200022 SQL_INVALID_DATABASE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Operation of a database different from the one connected may have been attempted. Check whether there are any mistakes in the database name.
200023 SQL_TABLE_ALREADY_EXIST ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Creation of an existing table may have been attempted. Check whether there are any mistakes in the table name.
200024 SQL_STATEMENT_CATEGORY_UNMATCHED ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. There may have been an attempt to execute a reference SQL with a executeUpdate, or a updateSQL with an executeQuery, or a SQL having a bind parameter with a NormalStatement (instead of a PreparedStatement). Check the detailed message.
200025 SQL_FETCH_SIZE_INVALID ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Fetch size cannot be set as 0. Set a value of 1 or higher.
200026 SQL_INACCESIBLE_TABLE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. A SQL may have been executed against a table with no viewing rights. Check whether there are any mistakes in the table name.
200027 SQL_CLUSTER_FAILOVER ERROR SQL execution failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. Execute the query again.
200028 SQL_TYPE_MISMATCH ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. A data type discrepancy has been detected in the SQL requirement section. Check whether the data type on both sides of an operation is the same, and whether the data type of the value set is the same if it is a PreparedStatement.
200030 SQL_PARTITION_STATE_UNDEFINED ERROR Execution of client request failed. Cluster may not have been configured. Execute a gs_joincluster command and execute it again with the cluster in a constituted state.
200036 SQL_CLIENT_FAILOVER_FAILED ERROR SQL execution failed. Failover may not be supported. Reconfiguration of cluster was detected, but the executing operation doesn’t support failover so that the operation failed. Reexecute the operation.
200037 SQL_MSG_VERSION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ERROR SQL execution failed. Cluster version may be wrong. Check whether multiple versions of nodes are mixed in the same network.
200903 LONG_EVENT_WAITING ERROR SQL execution continued in the waiting. Transaction may be processing. If it takes a long time to process the transaction to the store tier for processing the target SQL, this trace will be recorded at about 15 seconds intervals. Although this trace may be recorded when the processing involves execution of heavy index processing etc., the execution itself is executed normally.
200906 SQL_CANCEL ERROR SQL cancellation occurred. Cancellation may be executed.  
200907 SQL_NOSQL_OPERATION_ALREADY_CANCEL WARNING SQL execution was canceled.    
200908 SQL_FAILOVER_WORKING WARNING SQL failover was executed.    
200909 SQL_EXECUTION_INFO INFO SQL execution started.   This is a server event log message.
200910 SQL_DDL_TABLE_PARTITIONING_PRIMARY_KEY WARNING Non primary key column has been specified as a partitioning key.    
200911 SQL_RECOVER_CONTAINER WARNING The inconsistency of the partitioning table has been recovered.    
200913 SQL_LONG_QUERY WARNING SQL execution has ended. Processing of the SQL statement may be taking longer than usual. This trace is recorded when a query is completed whose SQL statement execution took a longer time than the specified period.
240000 SQL_COMPILE_UNSUPPORTED ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. A SQL outside the support range may have been executed. Check the detailed message.
240001 SQL_COMPILE_SYNTAX_ERROR ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. There is a syntax error in the SQL command. Check the detailed message.
240002 SQL_COMPILE_INVALID_SCHEMA ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. There may be mistakes in the SQL column type, column name. Check the detailed message.
240003 SQL_COMPILE_INACCESIBLE_DATABASE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. The name of a database that cannot be accessed may have been specified. Check the detailed message.
240005 SQL_COMPILE_INVALID_ARG_COUNT ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong.  
240006 SQL_COMPILE_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND ERROR SQL execution failed. DB name may be wrong.  
240007 SQL_COMPILE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND ERROR SQL execution failed. Table name may be wrong.  
240008 SQL_COMPILE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND ERROR SQL execution failed. Column name may be wrong.  
240009 SQL_COMPILE_COLUMN_NOT_RESOLVED ERROR SQL execution failed. Column name may be wrong.  
240010 SQL_COMPILE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong.  
240011 SQL_COMPILE_COLUMN_LIST_UNMATCH ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong.  
240012 SQL_COMPILE_INVALID_NODE_ASSIGN ERROR SQL execution failed. Cluster configuration can not execute specified SQL. The cluster configuration at the start of execution may not be active, or the node holding the specified table may be inactive in the current cluster configuration. Check the cluster configuration.
240014 SQL_COMPILE_MISMATCH_SCHEMA ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. The number of columns of schema specification in SQL may mismatch that in actual table. Check the error message.
240015 SQL_COMPILE_INVALID_INSERT_COLUMN ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. All columns in INSERT VALUES must be specified.
240016 SQL_COMPILE_PARTITIONING_KEY_NOT_UPDATABLE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. UPDATE syntax to change partitioning key can not be described for partitioning specified table.
240017 SQL_COMPILE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR SQL execution failed. Number of columns may have exceeded the limit value. Number of columns may have exceeded the limit value during SQL processing. Check the detailed message.
240901 SQL_HINT_WARNING WARNING SQL hint was ignored. SQL hint may be wrong.  
240902 SQL_HINT_INFO INFO SQL hint was ignored. SQL hint may be wrong.  
250006 SQL_EXECUTION_BIND_FAILED ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Execution of bind operation in SQL may have failed. Check the number of the bind set and error message.
250007 SQL_EXECUTION_RETRY_MAX ERROR SQL execution failed. SQL statement retry count may reach the limit. If the schema is changed during SQL processing or the internal cluster state is changed, SQL processing is retried but the limit of retries has been reached and SQL processing has been terminated. Check that operations such as DDL are not performed frequently and that the cluster configuration has not been changed significantly.
250011 SQL_COMPILE_METATABLE_NOT_UPDATABLE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may not have been permitted. Registration, update and deletion of SQL metatable are not possible.
250013 SQL_EXECUTION_RETRY_QUERY_LIMIT ERROR SQL execution failed. Cluster may be in the process of configuration change. This error may be detected when SQL execution during cluster configuration change continues for a certain period. Try again after the cluster configuration has become stable.
260007 JOB_RESOLVE_NODE_FAILED ERROR SQL execution failed. Cluster configuration can not execute specified SQL. The cluster configuration at the start of execution may not be active, or the node holding the specified table may be inactive in the current cluster configuration. Check the cluster configuration.
260014 JOB_CANCELLED ERROR SQL cancellation occurred. Cancellation may be executed.  
270003 SQL_DML_INVALID_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. The table (container) for updating may not be writable. Check the attributes of the table (container).
280001 SQL_DDL_INVALID_USER ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. An error occurred while executing the SQL of the user operation. Check the error message for details.
280002 SQL_DDL_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND_TYPE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Specified SQL statement is unsupported in this version. Check the error message and the manuals.
280003 SQL_DDL_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Specified table in CREATE TABLE already exists. Add IF NOT EXIST or drop that table and re-execute.
280004 SQL_DDL_DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. At least one table exists in the database specified in DROP DATABASE. In order to execute DROP DATABASE, it is necessary to delete all the tables of the target database.
280005 SQL_DDL_TABLE_NOT_EXISTS ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Specified table in DDL statement does not exist. Check the existence of that table.
280007 SQL_DDL_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Specified index name already exists. Add IF NOT EXIST or drop that index name.
280008 SQL_DDL_INDEX_NOT_EXISTS ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Specified index in DDL statement does not exist. Check the existence of that index.
280009 SQL_DDL_INDEX_INVALID_COLUMN ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Primary key must be the first column.
280010 SQL_DDL_INVALID_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. The table (container) for updating may not be writable. Check the attributes of the table (container).
280011 SQL_DDL_INVALID_CONNECTED_DATABASE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Current database does not match the database specified in SQL. Check the error message.
280013 SQL_DDL_INVALID_PARTITION_COLUMN ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Column name specifying partitioning does not exist. Check the schema of the target table.
280014 SQL_DDL_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Primary key must be the first column.
280015 SQL_DDL_INVALID_PARTITION_COUNT ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Check the partition count.
280019 SQL_INVALID_TABLE_FORMAT ERROR SQL execution failed. Schema data may be broken. Check with support.
280023 SQL_DDL_INVALID_PARTITIONING_TABLE_NAME ERROR Creating table failed. Table name may be wrong. Node affinity cannot be specified for table partitioning.
280024 SQL_DDL_INVALID_PARTITIONING_TABLE_TYPE ERROR Deleting table partition failed. Operation may not have been permitted. Deletion of table partitioning can be performed only for partition table that is allowed to be deleted.
280026 SQL_TABLE_PARTITION_MAX_ASSIGN_COUNT ERROR SQL execution failed. Number of table partitons may have exceeded the limit value. Delete unnecessary table partitions.
280032 SQL_TABLE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_UNMATCH ERROR SQL execution failed. The setting of the table partition may not be correct. Check whether a supported partitioning method is specified for the creation of the partitioning table or not.
280033 SQL_TABLE_PARTITION_INVALID_INDEX ERROR SQL execution failed. Index may be non-conforming. Delete and re-create the index for the column which the error occurred.
280034 SQL_DDL_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_WITH_EXECUTION ERROR SQL execution failed. Table may already exist. When this error is occurred, recovery processing is being performed by detecting inconsistency in a partitioning table.
280035 SQL_DDL_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS_WITH_EXECUTION ERROR SQL execution failed. Index may already exist. When this error is occurred, recovery processing is being performed by detecting inconsistency of index in a partitioning table.
280036 SQL_DDL_MISMATCH_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE ERROR SQL execution failed. Parameter may be wrong. The view can not be created because a regular table with the same name as the view name specified in CREATE VIEW already exists.
280037 SQL_DDL_VIEW_NOT_EXISTS ERROR SQL execution failed. Parameter may be wrong. The view specified by DROP VIEW does not exist.
300034 STATE_DATA_EXCEPTION ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. A data-related error has been detected. SQL may be too long, string or BLOB size may have exceeded the upper limit, data type conversion may not be possible, and so on.
300035 STATE_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. A constraint condition violation has been detected.
300040 STATE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. An authentication error has been detected.
300055 STATE_SQL_SYNTAX_ERROR ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. There is a syntax error in the SQL command. Check the detailed message.
300064 STATE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK ERROR SQL execution failed. Transaction may not have been carried out. SQL execution may have been interrupted due to a cancel request, etc.
300066 STATE_ACCESS_RULE_VIOLATION ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Acquisition of requested access rights to a database failed.
300113 STATE_INVALID_SYSTEM_STATE ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. Detection of inability to continue operation e.g. database subject to update is DROPPED, etc.
300114 STATE_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ERROR SQL execution failed. Storage may be insufficient. Disk is full and an update failure may have occurred. Check the storage capacity.
300115 STATE_OUT_OF_MEMORY ERROR SQL execution failed. Memory may be insufficient. Requested operation cannot be completed due to insufficient memory. Check memory space available.
300116 STATE_IO_ERROR ERROR SQL execution failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage. Requested operation cannot be completed due to an I/O error. Check the storage status.
305004 SQL_PROC_VALUE_OVERFLOW ERROR SQL execution failed. Data operation may exceed the limit. Check the values to operate.
305005 SQL_PROC_VALUE_SYNTAX_ERROR ERROR SQL execution failed. Syntax error may have occurred by a column value. Check whether the value that can not be parsed is included in the values to operate.
305006 SQL_PROC_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO ERROR SQL execution failed. Argument of data operation may be wrong. Check that division by 0 is not done.
305007 SQL_PROC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR SQL execution failed. Data operation may exceed the limit. Check that operation that violate the data size limit such as upper limit of character string length is not done.
305008 SQL_PROC_INVALID_EXPRESSION_INPUT ERROR SQL execution failed. Argument of data operation may be wrong. Check whether the constraints specific to the syntax and function values are not violated
305009 SQL_PROC_MULTIPLE_TUPLE ERROR SQL execution failed. Data operation may be duplicated. Check that multiple rows are not selected in places where only up to a single row is selected, as in a scalar subquery.
305010 SQL_PROC_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSION ERROR SQL execution failed. Argument of data operation may be wrong. Check that unsupported type conversions are not explicitly or implicitly executed.
305012 SQL_PROC_INVALID_CONSTRAINT_NULL ERROR SQL execution failed. Schema may be inconsistent. SQL was reexecuted due to the detection of index inconsistency.
305013 SQL_PROC_INTERNAL_INDEX_UNMATCH ERROR SQL execution failed. Index may be inconsistent. SQL was reexecuted due to the detection of index inconsistency.
410002 LTS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ERROR SQL store operation failed. Operation may be wrong.  
410008 LTS_INVALID_PARAMETER ERROR Starting SQL store failed. Definition file setting value may be wrong.  
410022 LTS_SWAP_IN_BLOCK_FAILED ERROR Reading SQL swap file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage.  
410023 LTS_SWAP_OUT_BLOCK_FAILED ERROR Writing SQL swap file failed. A failure may have occurred in the storage.  
410025 LTS_BLOCK_VALIDATION_FAILED ERROR Checking of internal data failed. Data in the memory may be corrupted. An error in DB data has been detected during SQL processing.
410026 LTS_TUPLELIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR SQL execution failed. Operation may be wrong. It may have exceeded some limit value during SQL processing. Check the detailed message.
410027 LTS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR SQL execution failed. The SQL swap file may have exceeded the limit value. It may have exceeded some limit value during SQL processing. Check the error message.

* If an error code not found in this error code table occurs, an internal error may have occurred. Check with support.