
Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

Features Reference

Overview of the GridDB features for GridDB designers, developers and administrators

Programming Guide

Explanation of programming using Java and C language APIs of the NoSQL interface and SQL of the NewSQL interface for user application program designers and developers

TQL Reference

Explanation on how to use the NoSQL and NewSQL Interface in Java and C programming languages.

SQL Reference

Describes how to use GridDB’s NewSQL interface

Tuning Guide

Describes how to perform SQL tuning procedures and SQL optimization

JDBC Driver User Guide

Describes how to connect to GridDB via JDBC

ODBC Driver Guide

Describes how to connect to GridDB via ODBC

API Reference

API Reference

Administrator Guide

Explanation of the design, setup and operation in GridDB for system designer and database admin

Error Codes

Describes the error codes that GridDB records in the event log, their meanings, causes, and fix

Operation Tools Reference

Explanation on operational tool usage such as startup command and export/import for system designer and database admin

Zabbix Template guide

Explanation on how to use the settings and templates for Zabbix to monitor GridDB

User Guide for GridDB Dockerfile sample

Explanation on how to use the GridDB Dockerfile sample.

User Guide for GridDB Template for Ansible

Describes how to set up templates to assist in the construction of GridDB.

Release Note

Release Note

Last modified June 28, 2022: Build docs (28c488b)